Just saying

Irritating my sister by pulling her hair was actually the point. The fact my sister screamed and upset everyone was on my sister for being irritating in the first place. When mom said I should know better, it confused me. Moms sometimes seem more interested in keeping the peace than dealing with their irritating daughters. Just saying.

I’m not a paranoid schizophrenic axe murderer. I own an axe but have not actually used it for years. I am neither paranoid or schizophrenic. In fact, I am reasonably sane. However, I think the sanity of most of the rest of humanity is debatable. Ever wonder how many people you’ve met are actually paranoid schizophrenic axe murderers. Again, just saying.

Reality – noun – the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

For the record. The sun does not actually rise every morning, the earth rotates. In fact, it rotates once every 23 hours 56 minutes 4.091 seconds. Most people actually get enough Vitamin C from their diet, Supplemental Vitamin C most often does no good and in extreme can do harm. Eskimo tribes, such as the Inuit and Aleut, do not have a disproportionate number of words representing snow in their languages. Once again, just saying.

The employees at coffee shops are almost always nice to you which makes getting a beverage a pleasant experience. Does it matter whether they were sincerely nice or if being nice is a ploy to make more tips. Feeling negative because you question their motive is on you, not them. Of course they want to make more tips. Wanting more tips and being willing to be nice to do so is an honorable, good enough reason to be nice. Just saying.

It is human nature to want to belong to a group. However, in fact, we are all unique individuals with individual differences from every other individual. No two people have the exact same circumstances, same beliefs, same opinions, same background, same interests and you get the idea. “They” are never all alike. “We” are never all alike either. Just saying.

We all do stupid stuff. It’s a wonder any of us survive our own stupidity. On the other hand, periodically most of us have also done some rather clever things. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Sometimes it’s best to not say anything about other people’s current position on the genius / idiot scale. Think about that, just saying.

Beer and wine taste terrible to me. I do not like them. I like root beer. The 1919 root beer served at the Minnesota State Fair from a tap is the best. No question. When I go to a restaurant and ask for a root beer I get served a wide variety of brands. I’ve tasted dozens of different brands of root beer. Never had one I thought was bad. It’s kind of fun to taste and comment on root beer while all of the wine drinkers comment about body, and hints of. Ice cold A & W root beer from a can is the standard to beat. Just saying.

ESPN estimates there are about 160 million fans of American football. There are said to be four billion soccer fans in the world. Golf, tennis, volleyball, hockey, and several other sports each actually have more fans than American football does. It bothers me that the playing of a football game almost always results in a player being hurt bad enough to see a specialist. I wonder about the ratio of fans that watch a sport because they love the sport compared to the number who mostly watch the sport because it will give them something to talk about with friends and coworkers. Just saying.

The music of the late sixties and early seventies is the music of my teen years and thus the best music, period. Sure there is good music from other periods. Not universally but more often than not, the music of their own teen years is the music most people think is the best. People who were teens in other periods are wrong, of course, it is only the music from my teen years that is actually the best. The song “The Boxer ” by Simon and Garfunkel released in 1969 spoke deeply to a 17 year old me. Just saying.

I do not have any tattoos or piercings. I have never dyed my hair. Unless they are extreme, tattoos, piercings, wild hair color and the like seem to no longer label the person as a weirdo. I wonder if this is because over the past decade, in person interactions between people have been reduced as virtual interactions have increased. Standing out in a virtual crowd might be easier with bright green hair. I mean the person with the tattoos, piercings and dyed hair still might be a weirdo for other reasons. For example they might think the music of the 80’s is the best. Just saying.

Who am I to judge others? Well, I’ve lived a long time. I’ve witnessed lots of people’s future results from their past practices. I’ve seen the difference in results between being a nice person and being a jerk. I’ve seen ample evidence of idiots often living long full lives never even aware they were an idiot. The Boxer is still a great song. Soccer is fun to watch. Just saying.

For the record, I don’t like coffee. Hot chocolate is my coffee shop’s beverage. I actually like most people I meet. Gopher Women’s hockey is the sport I like to watch the most. Maybe the world would be a better place if we all treated each other as coffee shop employees treat us. Just saying.

The closer you look the more you see.